Returning Back To Our Original Way of Life, Of Our Hebrew Israelite Culture and Heritage!

To All The Descendants of Planet Earth's Children of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, And all the Nations which are Repenting, changing their ways; cease from eating unclean foods, eating and drinking blood and committing all manner of abominations, fornications, Sodomy our list Is very long for  Salvation Approval   from THE LORD OF HOSTS THE GOD Of ISRAEL.

And Our KING AND SAVIOR YAHSHUA, It's time to pray like never before, everybody!  Because of the shortness of time; Ending like a thief in the night!


The purpose of this message is for all of you that can't see your way out of distress! there is a way, with the guidance of someone to show you or tell you in simple terms.  The truth of the matter is, The answer is already inside of you, frightening?  But as real, as it will ever get.


                                " G R O W I N G      I N     G R A C E "     PSALMS 131: 1-3


LORD,  my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty;  neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. 

2  Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, like a child that is weaned of its mother;  my soul is even like a weaned child.  

3  Let Israel hope in the LORD from henceforth and forever.




The days of old, no one was hungry for jobs, food, shelter nor clothing The LORD 

 provided all of our needs and we were happier every man in his country the Lord gave to our ancestors. Before the "Caveman Culture" invade the lives of our ancestors, and the inhabitants of other countries became a big problem until today! Called the White People.

A walking disease on earth. knew nothing about nothing but fighting and killing and didn't know how to even bathe the stink from their bodies. and everywhere they went they invaded raped killed and stole their needs from everyone. and their diseased bodies killed many people even to this day. The whole world today is under siege, our money, countries, destroyed our ancient lifestyles, our cultural structures. for skyscrapers destroyed our trees, our food, killed for our resources leaving us all over the world devastated! We didn't have Schools, Hospitals, colleges, factories.  workshops above the earth and under. wicked institutions.



It was all new for the love of money! today everything they built still doesn't fit our lifestyle We are through with them and ready for the war of Armageddon. Please watch the video below everyone on earth got serious work to do and fast! This message is for everyone with common sense! Everything the Devil built was only for themselves. all their institutions are wicked and evil and all of them are Death houses even their office places. The video shows how they put our family midwives around the globe out of business. We are still having babies, Mothers grandmothers, aunts, cousins take your jobs back! the ones with the skills train the female without the skills. to be ready for the newborn babies. We people of color taught the devil.



The Devil cannot be trusted with our lives! its time to take your lives back into your own hands. grow food, Take care of yourselves pray, for help!  Repent, fast, study the scriptures there are all kinds of nonprofits for health care provisions in your areas, do your research. you can get free equipment everything you need to start a business. under their umbrella. this is

about Health care right now But it about every field, and profession you can think of Brothers and sisters worldwide all able ages. Be what you want to be, remove the fear! the skills are all around you, do voluntary work to learn whatever you want to change your life for the better just ask. roll up your sleeves go to work. college is a fantasy. People walking around with degrees and no jobs. paid all that money. and don't have food to eat. My people get busy!

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