The Bible Unlocked: The Pork Deception!!!

Brother Yarashalam The Easter Deception BreakDown

Bible Unlocked of the Law: Was Epistle Paul Against the Law or Not? (By Brother Yarashalam)

How Satan Infiltrated Christianity With Christmas: Brother Yarashalam


24.03.2020 12:09

John Irish

Continuing. Check out Martin Zender, the world's most outspoken bible scholar. YouTube MZTV 300, MZTV 303, MZTV 304, and Martin Zender, The Snare of the Cross. Let my know, brother.

24.03.2020 12:05

John Irish

Bro. Yarashalam. Gal. 2:7. Paul's gospel definitely different. The nations (the uncircumcision) were never given the law. Jesus came only to the circumcision, the Jews.