Jan. 9, 2019

Exposing The Inhumane Conditions Of Burkina Faso's Gold Mines Exposing The Inhumane Conditions.

The Children are building France Pride, who does nothing for Africans in return. This is why Africa and the poor families in the Diaspora are suffering for want of all things. African's wealth and labor have built all the world's empires. Enough is enough. Thank The Good Lord! That he has called forth Judah the Head Tribe of Israel to prepare his tribes for Redemption, and the earth's Poor people from all the Corruption burdens worldwide is horribly devastated and unhabitual. making the whole earth a dangerous place to live. The youth miners have no Health care. The long hours spent in the mines, They can't think straight! They have no time to do anything else, and many die working to help themselves and their families. It's an impossible Lifestyle. And all the kingdoms on earth are Corrupted! And the end time for them is Now! Being Judged for their Greed and Corruption. Keep your eyes on the news! Earth Quakes, Landslides, and Tsunamis etc; Is the Anger of our Creator. All world Religions are Nothing to him! There is only One God! The churches are nothing to him. Its a place set up to rob the poor and needy of their poor earned income shared with the pastors who will lead you to Fema Camps if you don't get out of there. The Capitalist has a plan for the pastors and members.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues; For her sins have reached up to heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities..............Revelations 18:4